Bard on the Beach

Posted on September 5, 2016Comments Off on Bard on the Beach

Jeff is returning this summer to Bard on the Beach, to play Malcolm in Macbeth (directed by Chris Abrahams with Marie Farsi) and Le Beau/Musician in As You Like It (directed by Daryl Cloran with Kim Harvey)


2017: Director of A Shakesperience performed by the Riotous Youth ensemble

2016: Michael Cassio in Othello directed by Bob Frazer
Dionyza in Percles directed by Lois Anderson

2015: Dr.Pinch/Duke Solinus in Comedy of Errors directed by Scott Bellis
Anthony Dull/Bass in Loves Labour’s Lost directed by Daryl Cloran

Jeff is also a lead teaching artist, leading various workshops, and directing the Bard For Life series.